Human Resources

Discussion: Who knew that your own self-esteem and confidence could influence the success of your workplace? In our workplaces, personal self-image can create positivity that can be contagious. Likewise, poor self-image can breed negativity and hinder personal and professional growth.

Based on your readings this week (see Content – Week 2 – Reading and Resources), what steps can you take to garner the courage and self-esteem necessary to improve communication within your workplace(s)? What factors might stand in your way in relation to your ability to accomplish this objective? Be creative in your answer!

You may find appropriate articles at the end of each chapter, and/or identify articles through the APUS online Library. Finally, be sure that all discussions are answered in full, in order to ensure the best possible grade based on the work submitted.

*** the two videos above as well as the attached docs are the weeks materials