Human Resource Management

The final step of this is to include a conclusion of 2–3 paragraphs regarding the addition of an important HR consideration that was not previously included in week 4

Please choose 1 item from the following list:

Risk management

Safety and health, including the legal areas surrounding this

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA-1970) provisions, including record keeping and inspection requirements

Effective safety management

Workplace health issues

Workplace violence and effective security programs

Disaster preparation and recovery planning

Employee rights associated with free speech and access to employee records

Workplace monitoring and drug testing

Development of employee handbook


Just cause

Due process

Wrongful discharge

Absenteeism measurement and monitoring

Discipline approaches (e.g., positive and progressive)

Unions (e.g., membership, collective bargaining, and unionization)

Grievance procedures

Look up your chosen topic using the online library, course materials, and credible Web sites. , discuss that topic in more detail by providing the following:

General description of topic

How topic relates to your company specifically

How you (as HR management) will incorporate this concept into company policy and practice, including:

Important legal or ethical concerns to consider in integrating this concept into practice

Recommended system for monitoring its effectiveness, reliability, and validity