HR Management

This project will provide you with the opportunity to apply what you have learned to real-world issues. Because each of you brings unique perspectives and experiences to the class, participation in this project is critical to your own learning and that of other colleagues. Everyone should contribute their strengths and ideas to the project to complete as a collaborative group. As a group, your final submission will be a human resource management plan. Please be sure to properly credit all sources throughout. Your paper should be creative, original, well-cited, and referenced.

TOPIC: How has remote work affected Businesses/Organizations today.


The core assessment project provides students with an opportunity to analyze and apply human resource theories and models to resolve a complex organizational problem or to enhance organizational performance.

Goal: Demonstrate your understanding of HRM practices by integrating academic knowledge and real-world experiences to strategize human resource-related solutions and opportunities.

Brainstorm an organizational issue and determine how to address that issue using HRM approaches explored in the course. You will need to consider how you would implement a solution and how it could address the problem Once your topic has been chosen and approved, investigate the topic within organizations, research, and the textbook.

Use the following headings to complete the project: (SKIP INTRODUCTION/THESIS THIS IS A GROUP PROJECT)

Options (consider all viable/possible options with pros and cons)


· Based on the issue and identifiable problems, what are 2-3 well-justified, feasible, and action-oriented solutions? Support your recommendations with evidence found.

• Recommendations

· Based on the options explored, what is your recommendation and why?

• Analysis of Costs/Return on Investment

· What costs would be associated with your solution? How might you measure a return on investment?

• Conclusion

· Summarize your main points and end with concluding remarks.

• Reference

· Minimum of 3 credible sources should be used to support your paper.