In this research design, my research question is ” How does media coverage of Muslims affect Muslims ability to get jobs in the western world?” I ended up titling my paper Media Coverage, Islamophobia, and Employability of Muslims. Below, I have attached my literature review. Please use the same idea, as well as the sources. Literature review needs to have these key items. Please provide them 1. Select cases for the study 2. Define the key concepts and establish a strategy for knowing their values (recognizing that values do not have to be quantitative), 3. identify sources of information for your analysis. 4. If necessary, write instruments, such as surveys or interview questionaries, for generating information 5. discuss the mythology, explaining exactly what you will do and how. **The key thing is you need describe how you are going to test the hypothesis. So you do need to state your hypothesis. I want to look at how the media effects people’s opinions of Muslims or Muslims; job opportunities. If it is affecting opinions then you would likely use a survey. You would need to describe the survey in detail (e.g. who conducted the survey, how many people were surveyed, when, what the population of the survey is, ideally response rates) indicate which questions you are using to measure your independent variable and your dependent variable. Will you control for anything? which questions are used as control variables? Then you would indicate which statistic you will use to test your hypothesis. Please provide the survey information as well as the variables of them all. As I said, I uploaded my literature review, which should help a lot. You may want to use more sources if you need to