Research topic :
How does cultural background affect international students’ adjustment and academic performance at
Australian universities? >(central question : What is the effect of cultural backgrounds on the
success of international students in Australia?)
For this qualitative research project i have chosen document analysis as the methodology of the
research. i will also upload information regarding the methodology on a separate document. Below is
some essential information regarding the project, please read thoroughly thank you.
Document Analysis
Document analysis involves reading lots of written material, which relates to some aspect of the social
world, such as media articles, public records and official reports. These documents are intended to be
read as objective statements of fact but they are themselves socially produced and can tell the
researcher a great deal, especially about the prevailing policy climate when they were produced.
1. Title page (not included in word count)
2. Abstract (200-300 words)
3. Table of Contents (not to be included in word count)
4. Introduction (up to 900 words)
5. Methodology / Methods (up to 500 words)
6. Literature Review (up to 1400 words)
7. Data analysis (4,000 words)
8. Conclusion (up to 800 words)
9. Bibliography (not included in word count)
TOTAL : 7000 words (+/ 10% tolerance)
1. Title Page: at least 18 points font size; centre text on page
Title of the Study Report
2. Abstract: 200-300 words, summarising the research report. It includes a brief statement of the
research objectives, the scope of the study, research methodology/methods utilized, the theoretical
framework applied in the analysis and research findings.
It is possible to divide the report into sections and subheadings to provide the reader with markers
along the way. Use the main headings to structure a Table of Contents. Include a List of Acronyms, a
List of Tables and/or a List of Figures if needed.
4. Chapter 1: Introduction
The Introduction provides an overview of both your research and of your report. The overview of the
research would often include some description of your motivation for conducting the research, a
clear statement of the research aims and objectives, the rational and significance of the study, the
scope and limitations of the study, and key definitions and concepts that will guide the study. The
overview of the report, on the other hand, will provide the basic structure of the report. This will
include an explanation of the logic used in structuring the flow of the report and the main report
5. Chapter 2: Methodology
Ideally, students will have reflected critically upon their methodological approach and will have
recorded their experiences collecting data, elaborating upon strategies devised to overcome
hindrances or take advantage of unexpected twists and turns in the course of their research. Such
matters are appropriate for discussion in the Methodology section of the report. This is in addition to
a discussion of the rationale for the selected research methodology. The most often observed
weakness in this section has been when students write a very extensive explanation of the limitations
of the methods (time, resources, access to interviewees, etc.) that they forget to justify why the
methods they ended up using could still provide valuable information to address the research aims
and objectives. It is about finding a balance between identifying the methodological limitations of
you study, and also noting the possible strengths of the methods you employed.
6. Chapter 3: Literature Review
7. Data analysis
When drafting the key part of your report, keep in mind that the rules regarding structure, argument,
analysis, and REFERENCING that you learned while writing undergraduate essays. It is acceptable to
break this part of the report into sections and subsections, but make sure they are connected into a
coherent whole. You will decide how to divide and present the main body of your report. Your subsections
may be structured around your key themes; or case studies; or they may follow a chronology
(e.g. if your topic is historical).
However you structure your data analysis, always keep in mind your stated research aims and your
central research question (which may need some finetuning after you have actually gathered the
8. Conclusion
A summary of what you wanted to do (aims), how you did it (methods), and what you found out
(data analysis) is one way to begin your conclusion. Draw together your key themes and findings and
suggest areas that may need further research. Remember that there MUST be a clear and continuing
argument throughout your report, culminating in a formal conclusion. You may include
recommendations for policy development.
9. Bibliography
Identify all sources cited in the text. Be sure to review the proper format required for referencing.