6-1 Discussion: In the News: How Companies Handle Investment Risks
Use the Shapiro Library database to locate a company (excluding Caterpillar, Inc.) that is currently (within the last three years) dealing with business/investment risk. For a recent example, consider how Apple has expanded its iPhone production to Bangalore, India. What were the risks?
Pull yearly financial statements (10-Ks) for the company that you are interested in, and analyze items 1A (Risk Factors) and 7 (Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations). In your initial post, address the following:
- Identify the company and summarize the risk situation for your classmates.
- Explain any political or country risk involved.
- How well did the company handle the risk situation? What did they do well? What could they have done better?
Use the following website link source be for research. I will also upload additional attachement for the Shapiro Library database titled “Apple’s Risky Balancing Act with the next iPhone”:
- Apple 10-K Website Link: http://investor.apple.com/sec.cfm?DocType=Annual&ndq_keyword=
- Article: Apple’s Risky Balancing Act with the next iPhone