The assignment is a neighborhood history (Port Area (Area IV), Cambridge MA (USA)) – present this history in a paper (10 pp double spaced). The history
must trace the neighborhood from its initial creation to today, describing how social, demographic, political/policy, and economic forces have resulted in its
current form and population. You should pay attention to who has been able to make a home in the neighborhood over time as well as who has not. Be sure
to cover the following:
Settlement – mid-20th Who first owned the land here? Who began to build housing on the land? If the builders were also the occupants, why did they choose
this place? If “developers” were involved, who were they trying to attract to their homes? What role did local policies (zoning, building codes) and early state
and federal policies (housing, but also immigration, policing, education, etc.) play in the early shaping of the neighborhood? Were there other major turning
points in the history of this place—the addition of an institution of some kind, the construction of an important new piece of infrastructure, a natural disaster
such as a fire or flood, or the emergence of a new industry or employer that attracted a new wave of residents? Did the population change over this early
history or was it fairly constant?
Post WWII to 2000. The post-war era involved major public intervention in and around our cities – the interstate highway system, urban renewal, the second
wave of public housing, anti-poverty programs and new housing subsidy programs. As the century progressed, major social movements shaped cities and
regions as well. In what ways was your neighborhood impacted by these initiatives and movements? By suburbanization? How did private for-profit and nonprofit organizations respond? Did federal, state, municipal, or nonprofit programs result in change in the built form or population of the neighborhood?
2000-2020. Briefly (1 page or so), what major issues and changes have occurred since 2000?
Cover major points and forces in neighborhood’s history, addressing questions listed in the assignment descriiption. Remember to discuss the role of
housing in shaping neighborhood!
ii. Include discussion of influences of higher-level policies on neighborhood development, including: highway construction, immigration policies, urban
renewal, etc.
iii. Clearly present material – submission should have a clear introduction, conclusion, organization, and narrative running throughout; and include maps,
photos, or other graphics that support the narrative.