Group Dynamics

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the different models and theories of how groups
develop and function.
1. For the first part of this assignment, use your textbook and the following three TED talk
● Build a tower, build a team
● How can groups make good decisions?
● When ‘I’ Becomes ‘We’
● After watching the videos and reading the text, describe two different
perspectives on how groups develop and function. Compare and contrast the
two perspectives for similarities and differences.
2. Think of a group or team you are a part of currently or have been in the past. Address
the following questions.
a. What was the group/team’s purpose (social, work, family, task oriented)?
b. Describe the different types of relationships between the members of that
group. Did the different types of relationships between the group members
enhance or inhibit the group’s functioning? Explain
c. Apply the stages of group development from Tuckman’s theory to your example.
d. Discuss how the group/team behaved and/or changed at each stage of
e. Did the group/team experience a barrier at any stage? If yes, were the barriers
resolved and how? If not resolved, using what you have learned in this course,
how could they have been resolved to achieve a more positive outcome? If
barriers were resolved, explain the strategies that promoted effective work and
progression through barriers. .
f. Did the group/team have a clear leader?
i. Did this type of group need a clear leader? Explain.
ii. What are the consequences of having and not having a clear leader?
iii. How did the leader impact the group positively and/or negatively?
iv. If someone else in the group was the leader, what might have been
g. Was the group cohesive? Did it need to be? What are the pros and cons of
everyone being cohesive and in total agreement? Would it vary depending on
the type of group or purpose of group/team? Explain.
upport factual information and assertions with credible and/or scholarly sources.
● Follow APA guidelines to format your essay
● Use in-text citations and include a references page – APA format