Globalisation and the Ivory Coast

For this assignment, you will essentially have to analyse a specific country and the way that different impacts and different aspects of globalisation have affected and influenced it. The country which you will be required to research on, is the Ivory Coast (located in Western Africa). On the task sheet which I have attached, you will see the word website. You can disregard the word itself, as the format of the assessment has changed. All of the requirements are still the same, so it is important that you thoroughly and properly go through the task sheet, as it outlines what is required and the suggested structure. It is important that you don’t disregard any of the parts besides the word website on the task sheet. Throughout the work, I would like it if you could include detailed and relevant graphs, charts, diagrams, etc. When including them, please make sure that they are relevant to the text, and that they are explained with the link that they have to the specific area of globalisation etc. that you are talking about. Make sure that you include relevant examples of specific events relating to each of the areas of globalisation, and how they impacted the country and how the effects are still felt. Make sure that you relate the key areas of globalisation with the key themes listed on the task sheet, in relation to the Ivory Coast. The 4 impacts of globalisation which are nece​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​ssary to cover, are: economic, social/cultural, political, and the environmental impacts of globalisation. However, especially if relevant and forms a significant part of the history of the country, you should include analysis on the impacts of globalisation on culture and migration. Make sure to also reflect on whether globalisation has affected these impacts and areas in a positive or a negative way. You will need to reference. Please ensure that the sources that you use are reputable. You will need to reference in Harvard format. In text referencing is required. Please ensure that the referencing format is consistent, and that the reference lists are in alphabetical order. Please make sure that the layout is clear, with relevant headings and subheadings indicating what you are talking about. Please ensure that the external information present is from reliable academic sources. Please make sure that you incorporate the relevant globalisation and geography language and theories that apply. Make sure that you include examples which are relevant to what is being talked about. Please make sure that all formatting is correct, and that there are no spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Please ensure that you communicate your understanding of the order to me. Please make sure that you complete the order to an exceptional standard