Global Climate Change

You may have seen dramatic “worst-case” scenarios for global climate change presented in movies such as Geostorm (2017), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), or Waterworld (1995). These depictions typically portray total social collapse as the inevitable result of global climate change, but is this reasonable?

Based on your understanding of climate change, identify the social consequences of a realistic “worst-case” scenario of global climate change.

What of these impacts might be of the greatest concern in communicating risks to the public?


What constitutes a just war? Do you consider recent U.S. wars, such as the war in Afghanistan, the Iraq War begun in 2003, and the war on terror to be just? Why or why not? Are just wars social problems?


Imagine a world without prisons. What would it be like to live in that world? Would there be more crime, and if so, how much more? Do you believe it is the fear of prison that keeps most people from violating the law? Why or why not?