
Geometry Module 10 DBA
Part 1 – Application
Create a word problem that can be represented by this mathematical statement and
solve your problem. Be sure to show and explain all work.
3! 9!
Part 2 – Find the error(s) and solve the problem correctly.
Find 6
= 30
Part 3 – Discussion Question
In your own words compare and contrast Permutations and Combinations. When do
you use each? Give an example of each.
Be sure to show and explain all work.
40 points-
10 points each
Part 4 – Reflection
Your response must be at least three paragraphs (1 paragraph per question).
This question required:
1. Think back over this entire semester. What concept/module do you still need clarification
on? Have you reached out to your teacher about this concept/module? What are 3
ways that you can be successful on your final exam? What assignments do you need to
review and study before you take the final exam?
Choose 2 of the following questions:
2. Briefly explain a concept in this module and give at least one real world example that
demonstrates the concept that you have selected. Share an original example that you
have written and solved. Be sure it is not given in the course content or in the
application question above.
3. Does your work in this semester truly reflect your effort? If so, how? If not, how could
you improve your effort in your next math course? What would you do differently?
4. Describe a specific LSS resource in addition to the course content that you used in this
course throughout the year and how it helped you learn the concepts?
5. Describe the notebook that you used in this course. Did you stay organized the entire
year? What changes would you make as you prepare for your next math course? What
advice would you give students that are starting their first day of Geometry?
Not applicable Needs
Proficient Exemplary
(0 points) (up to 5.5 points) (up to 8.5 points) (up to 10 points)
Part 1
Solution is
incorrect and the
student did not
show or explain
work or work the
problem incorrectly.
Solution is
incorrect; however
the student showed
their work and
made an error(s)in
calculations. OR
Solution is correct
but there is no
work shown or
Solution is correct,
however there is
little work shown
for the problem.
Solution is correct.
All work shown and
explained using
language from this
Part 2
Find the
Errors not found or
explained. Error in
attempt to rework
the problem.
Some or no errors
found. Problem
reworked out
All or most errors
found and
Problem not
reworked correctly.
All errors found
and explained.
Problem worked
out correctly with
all work shown
Part 3
question not
answered or
discussed without
correct conclusion
Errors in
discussion. Little to
no mathematical
language included
in the discussion
Discussion has few
errors. Little to no
language included
in the discussion
Discussion is
correct using
language included
in this module to
answer the
Part 4
Reflection not
attempted but
response is less
than 3 paragraphs.
No specific
examples given.
3 paragraphs are
written but less
than 2 sentences
and/or meaningful
discussion is
missing for a
paragraph. Little to
no specific
examples given.
3 paragraphs of at
least 3 meaningful
sentences each
answering each
question reflecting
on this module.
Specific examples
are given to justify
the reflection