For this task, your role will be commissioning editor, with the emphasis on commissioning. You are given a topic and a professional context, which will include a specific publication outlet. From those, you will formulate a brief for a text on that topic, and for that outlet to be prepared by a writer. The brief will contain all the information necessary for a writer to produce a text that will fulfil the brief. You are provided with: 1. A topic (this will be the same for everybody) 2. A role in a particular type of publication (choice of three) 3. A type of text (choice of three) Based on these, you will formulate a brief for a writer to produce a text of the type specified on the topic for the publication. The word count for the piece will be 450 words. The topic is the dual citizenship issue in the Australian Federal Parliament (Section 44 of the Australian Constitution). The three roles and publication choices are: • Jonathan Trousers, Opinion Editor at The New Daily. Your writer’s name is Melanie Linoleum • Meghan Moleskin, Political Editor at The Guardian (Australia). Your writer’s name is Reginald Girth • Alicia Tricycle, Communications Manager at the Australian Council for Electoral Analysis. Your writer’s name is Mackenzie Tramlines. The three text type choices are: • An opinion piece on an aspect of the topic to be specified by you • Analysis of a political aspect of the topic to be specified by you • A media release critiquing the ongoing application of Section 44 in today’s Australia, the central focus/argument of which to be specified by you. You’ll note that the text types match the roles/publications fairly closely. Finally, when you choose your role, you also choose the name provided for that role. Don’t use your real name and don’t put anything on the brief that identifies you (for instance, in headers or footers). You will also use the name provided for the writer for whom you are preparing the brief. The student who is allocated your brief will then also use that name. The assessment criteria are: • Clarity of brief (30%) • Completeness of brief (30%) • Accurate identification of requirements of publication outlet and audience demographic (20%) • Appropriate specifications for publication outlet, topic, and audience demographic (20%)