Final Lab Report

Final Lab Report
Conduct the experiment in the Final Lab Manual. Fill out the questions in the lab manual to guide your
experiment and organize your results and conclusions. Take pictures of your experiment prior to beginning once
you have all of your equipment set up, in the middle of the experiment and at the end of the experiment. For
each lab, create a “Student Information Card” to be pictured in each photo with:
• the name of the lab
• the date you are performing the lab
• your full name and signature
This card should be the approximate size of half of an 8×10 piece of paper, so that all information is clearly
visible in your photo. This card should be displayed in each of the lab specific photos. If you do not include
this card, you will receive 0 points on the lab report.
Record your detailed observations and results throughout the experiment. Once you have conducted the
experiment and completed the Lab Report, write a 3 page lab report in essay format (MLA) summarizing the
experiment, results and conclusions. See below for the grading rubric.
Detailed Instruc/ons and Grading Rubric Midterm & Final Lab Reports
• Minimum length of 3 pages of text, double-spaced, not including pictures and figures. 20 points
• Lab Report must include the following sections (separated by bold headers corresponding to those
below) 5 points
• Introduction: 2-3 paragraphs introducing the biological concepts covered in the lab, including
references to sources. Last paragraph of introduction should contain 2-3 sentences introducing the lab
design. 50 points.
• Methods: 2-3 paragraphs detailing the methods that you used to perform the lab. Do not cut and copy
these from the lab manual. Write these in sentence form and do not use numbers or bullet pointed lists.
Include every detail you performed so that the reader would be able to perform the lab exactly as you
did if they were trying to repeat it. Include pictures/diagrams where necessary. 50 points.
• Results: 2-3 paragraphs summarizing the results of the experiment. Use the Lab manual as a guide for
the type of information to include here. Create figures (bar plots, scatterplots, etc) in Microsoft Excel
from the completed tables from the Lab manual. Do not insert the tables from the Lab manual into the
document, as I expect further synthesis of these results. Insert pictures of the completed experiment. 50
• Discussion & Conclusion: 2-3 paragraphs discussing the results of the experiment, what the results
mean, and how they relate to the biological concept under study. Reference outside sources where
appropriate. Discuss 2-3 errors while avoiding the term human error. (Random Error and Systematic
Error) Include a paragraph on your experience and impressions of the lab and what you learned. 50
• References: Include MLA properly formatted references and in-text citations. A minimum of three
sources are required. (See Purdue OWL). 25 points.
Click on the “Week Four Final Lab Report” link in Blackboard to submit your assignment, as well as to get
more information regarding the due date and grading rubric.