EVALUATION OF A POLICY “An is an assessment, as systematic and impartial as possible, of an activity, project, programme, strategy, policy, topic, theme, sector, operational area, institutional performance (…)”. (WHO 2013) It focuses on expected and achieved accomplishments, examining the results chain, processes, contextual factors and causality, in order to understand achievements or the lack thereof. Generic: Evaluation of a policy aims at determining the relevance, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the interventions and contributions of the Organization and to make recommendations on the programme design. Specific: To determine and measure the change in the National Gender Policy (2013 2017) of Zimbabwe. (See attached Policy document). As for this assignment you are required to use the following for the National Gender Policy (2013 2017) of Zimbabwe policy summary: • why goal (4.2) pg 11 of the policy document • What policy objectives (4.3) 8 objectives (from policy document) • How you need to focus on the “Policy strategies” (activities) for objective 4 & 5. that is those related to health (6 activities) and education (7 activities) 13 activities in total. In the summary you need to say that there are activities (called policy strategies) in the document for each objective but will only outline those for objective 4 and 5 for the assignment. For this evaluation of Action Plan for the National Gender Policy (2013 2017) of Zimbabwe you should: Section 1. Summary of the policy (300 words) Make sure that the followingL 1.1 Goal/purpose 1.2 Aim and objectives 1.3 The strategies/activities 1.4 Resources uses (if available) of the policy are clearly stated in this summary. Then proceed with the rest of the action plan: 1.5 Section 2 (300 words) 2.1 The purposes for doing evaluation of the policy 2.2 Stakeholder Analysis for the evaluation plan (Table) 2.3 Discuss the approach proposed for evaluation 2.4 What criteria will be used for evaluation (See attached sample Table) 2.5 What evaluation indicators and data collection methods will be used (See attached sample Table) Section 3 (150 words) 3.1 Resources and TimeTable 3.2 How the information will be disseminated and used by the stakeholders Do not forget to consider how you will deal with poverty and gender equity in your Action Plan – in the purposes, stakeholders, indicators, data collection methods, resources and dissemination, as appropriate. NOTE: the assignment should be written in the form of a useable Action Plan you are required to use tables, bullet points and short paragraphs not an essay (except for the introductory 2 pages). It may help to imagine that you are seeking approval from your boss to proceed to carry out an evaluation plan, with the objectives, resources and timeline you are proposing for evaluating a policy.
Section 4. ((150 words) Using Evaluation log frame please add a criteria column to the table, (See attached sample), specify: 4.1 From the policy what is to be evaluated 4.2 Associated indicators, ensuring considerations for equity (poverty, gender etc) 4.3 Means of verification of data 4.4 Assumptions or risk. 4.5 Criteria Section 5 Discuss the approach for evaluation 5.1 For your evaluation plan, describe and justify the approach you would take for the evaluation drawing on the theory of evaluation. (150 words) 6. Specification of the financial, human and other resources required. (250 words) 7. Specification of the timetable. 8. Describe the format of the evaluation findings, how these will be disseminated to stakeholders and potentially used by the identified stakeholders. (200 words) There should be consistency between: i. Purposes, ii. Stakeholders, iii. Approaches, iv. Resources and timetable v. as well as within the evaluation log frame, for the evaluation plan.