Ratіonalе Successful management of suрply chains lies in the measurement and monitoring of information regarding the key operational and performance parameters. The use of informational systems in aiding procurement at different levels of the value chain has been established. The rise in complexity of consumer needs associated with the growing concerns of sustainability and transparency has made IT driven procurement a key element which drives the SCM. The role of the information technology function is to provide a wide range of etools and procurement options which can aid two main players including suppliers as external customers and employees of Tesco as internal players. This research aims at understanding the role of IT as a mediator and the success factors linked to IT adoption. • Research Aim The aim of this research is to assess the role of Information systems in contributing to strategic sourcing goals of Tesco in managing relationship with two players (suppliers and internal Tesco employees) • Objectives a. To develop a theoretical framework which will test the role and importance of IT within the strategic sourcing department. b. To assess the role of the IT department in choosing the suppliers. c. To determine the effectiveness of information systems in enhancing strategic flow of information between the procurement department and the suppliers in Tesco. d. To arrive at the challenges of adopting a fully integrated IS within the procurement pathway at Tesco. • Review of Literature o Introduction o Strategic Procurement and its Importance o Use of IS within strategic procurement o Information flow o Collaboration and communication o Relationship between supply chain strategy and information systems strategy o Critical role played by IT in selection of partners o Theoretical framework • Methodology o Introduction o Research Philosophy o Research Method o Data Collection o Sampling o Data Analysis o Conclusion • Results and Discussion o Introduction o Theme I o Theme II …. (This will be based on the interview) o Discussion o Implications
• Conclusion o Introduction o Recommendations o Limitations o Conclusion Chapter 2 needs to be completed by 10/19 3500 words Chapter 3 needs to be completed by 10/20 3000 words