Environment, development and society

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Environment, development and society

Title: Using Environmental justice to understand the social implications of climate change to climate change victims in Sub-Saharan Africa

Below are sources I recommend they do not have to be used and other sources and be used instead.

Environmental problems have also become a question of class and ethnicity. This lecture will explore how negative effects of economic development have hit the poorest the hardest. This session will introduce the concepts of environmental justice and its origin in the US. The session will look at pollution, waste and marginalised groups in the US. The session will then look at how environmental justice is useful for understanding global environmental injustice and environmental inequalities.


Low, N. 1999 Global ethics and the environment, Routledge, London (Chapter 3-6).

Bryant, B. (Ed.). 1995. Environmental Justice: Issues, Policies, and Solutions. Covelo, CA: Island Press.

Bullard, R. 1999. Dismantling environmental racism in the USA. Local Environment 4(1):5–19.

Davies, A. 2006. Environmental justice as subtext or omission: examining discourses of anti-incineration campaigning in Ireland. Geoforum 37(5):708–724.

Ikeme, J., 2003. Equity, environmental justice and sustainability: incomplete approaches in climate change politics. Global Environmental Change 13(3): 195-206 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0959-3780(03)00047-5

Pettit, J., 2004. Climate justice: A new social movement for atmospheric rights, IDS Bulletin 35(3) pp102–106

Richards, M., 2003. Poverty Reduction, Equity and Climate Change: Global Governance Synergies or Contradictions? Globalisation and Poverty Programme, Overseas Development Institute, London,


Roberts, J.T. and Parks B.C., 2007. A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics and Climate Policy, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA

Walker, G. and Burningham, K. (2011), ‘Flood risk, inequality and environmental justice’, Critical Social Policy, 31: 216-240.

Climate change is perceived to be the most dominant global environmental problem that human kind is facing. It has become a symbol of environmental challenges that needs to be solved on a global level. Still this global problem has hit societies, ethnicities, gender and class differently. This session will first introduce the impacts of climate change and discuss the differences of impacts on different groups and individuals around the world.


IPCC Report (2014) on Climate Change, Adaptation and Vulnerability: http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg2/

Global Humanitarian Forum, 2009. The Anatomy of a Silent Crisis. Human Impact Report on Climate Change. Global Humanitarian Forum, Geneva. Executive Summary, p. 1-4. http://www.preventionweb.net/files/9668_humanimpactreport1.pdf

World Bank, 2008. The Social Dimensions of Climate Change. World Bank, Washington, http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/Resources/244362- 1232059926563/5747581-1239131985528/WB_ReportFINAL062009.pdf  Executive summary, p. 7-9. (Read also introduction and framing the issues until p. 32)

Arnall, A., Oswald, K., Davies, M., Mitchell, T., Coirolo, C., 2010. Adaptive social protection: mapping the evidence and policy context in the agriculture sector in South Asia. Working paper 345. Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, Brighton, https://www.ids.ac.uk/publication/adaptivesocial-protection-mapping-the-evidence-and-policy-context-in-the-agriculture-sector-in-southasia NVD

Brown, O., Hammill, A., & McCleman, R. 2007. Climate change as the “new” security threat: implications for Africa. International Affairs 83(6):1141–1154.

Conway, D. and Schipper, L.F., 2010. Adaptation to climate change in Africa: Challenges and opportunities identified from Ethiopia. Global Environmental Change, doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.07.013

Davies, M. and Leavy, J., 2007. Connecting Social Protection and Climate Change Adaptation. IDS In Focus, Issue 02. IDS, Brighton. http://www.ids.ac.uk/index.cfm?objectid=660EE9D7-5056-


IPCC, 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II. Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Executive Summary: http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg2/ar4-wg2-spm.pdf

Johnson, C.A. and Krishnamurthy, K., 2010. Dealing with displacement: Can “social protection” facilitate long-term adaptation to climate change? Global Environmental Change, doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.06.002

UNDP, 2007. Human Development Report 2007/2008 Fighting climate change; human solidarity in a divided world. United Nations Development Programme, New York.


Winkler, H. And Vorster, S., 2007. Building bridges to 2020 and beyond: The road from Bali. Climate Policy, Vol. 7(3): 240-254




  • Introduction to the climate change debate and victims of climate change in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Background of changes of climate change over the region
  • Discuss Environmental justice (What is environmental justice? How did it come around? History etc? …)in relations to climate change
  • Critical analysis of the social implications of climate change victims in Sub-Saharan Africa with focus on environmental justice (This is the main part of the essay and should have a lot of focus)
  • Include, scholars viewpoints, theories, strong analysis of the implications and social consequences of climate change caused by developed countries etc
  • Conclude with the most pressing and important factors and include recommendations in the conclusion of what can be done à what does climate change really mean for these victims etc.. what does the future look like etc..

Climate change and Africa












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