Electronic waste in Iceland

Front page (title of project and author’s name) 1 page.

Table of contents (list of the project’s contents) 1 page.

Introduction (about the goals and assumptions of the project) (introduction) ½ p.

Main content (systematic description, with intermediate sections) 15 pages.

Results (short description of the results of the project) (introduction) 1 p.

Discussion and interpretation (examination of defects and suggestions for improvement) (goes to presentation) ½ p.

Sources (list of sources used) ½ p.

Appendix (things that don’t need to be in the main body, but interesting additions to the topic)

Below is some framework I started on but feel free to add, change or remove any of these sections.

Our final thesis: title, topic, and draft chapter division.
Working title: Electronic waste in Icelandic civil engineering
Questions we are going to seek answers to
• What is e-waste and how is it defined?
• What is done with electronic waste that is sorted and where does it end up if it is not sorted?
• What research has been done on electronic waste in the construction sector in Iceland?
• Is e-waste more common in one place than another?
• Is e-waste limited to a specific industry?
• Who are the most involved in e-waste and what resources are available?
• What is the status of e-waste companies?
Concept of research method
• Explore what has been written academically about the topic and map research on this topic.
• Put in context with foreign regulations, e.g. from the EU.
• Find people who have experience with this issue and seek information from them, e.g. sorting companies, engineering firms, contractors, etc.

Draft section division
1. Introduction – state the research question and discuss the methodology (perhaps have a separate chapter); tell about the topic of the essay. Idea for a research question: What is the status of electronic waste in Iceland?
2. E-waste – a general introduction to e-waste
• 2.1 Definitions, both the general understanding of the term and the legal one (perhaps put in the context of slavery in previous centuries).
• 2.2. Official regulations on electronic waste – note. with examples from the EU or other associations and action plans.
• 2.3. Iceland – Is the definition different in Iceland than in Europe? What solutions are available?
3. Civil engineering in Iceland – definition
• 3.1.
• 3.2
4. Sorting of electronic waste in Iceland – where is it most practiced and how much?
• 4.1 Measures against electronic waste – what has been done?
• 4.2 Status of e-waste – what needs to be done, what is the situation now? E.t.v. comparison with other countries, e.g. The Nordic countries.
• 4.3 Future prospects – how is this likely to develop compared to the current situation, why? what needs to change?
5. Concluding remarks – summarize, point out further research that would need to be done.