Effectively Managing Behavioral Health

In NU 760, you submitted an assignment in module 6 that provided an overview of the strategy and methods you identified as being most appropriate (e.g. the best fit) to improve outcomes in your practice setting. Utilizing faculty comments and feedback on your proposed strategy, this assignment directs that you create a presentation that could serve as a part of your ‘pitch’ to your Project stakeholder group.

Create a presentation that provides the following information:

1. The strategy you selected for the project (anticipated to take 2 to 4 slides)

1. Identify the strategy

2. Provide your audience with a brief overview of the strategy

3. If your strategy is application of an evidence-based practice, ensure that you provide your audience with a brief overview of what you found in the literature about the strategy

4. If your strategy is an innovation, ensure that you provide your audience information about how your review of the literature did not reveal an appropriate evidence-based practice strategy and that an innovation is needed

2. A rationale for why you believe the selected strategy is the best fit for the practice setting (anticipated to take 2 to 4 slides)

1. Correlate the main elements of the strategy to the improvement needs identified

3. A brief overview of the plan for implementing the strategy in the practice setting (anticipated to take 3 to 4 slides minimum)

1. Utilizing a change theory to frame the discussion, provide an overview of the steps that will be taken to implement the identified strategy