


Deciding where to go to college is one of the biggest decisions a young person faces. Sometimes, student-athletes get to college and realize that they did not make the correct decision. Given this, every year, a fair number of student-athletes seek to be released from their National Letters of Intent to transfer. Given that the National Letter of Intent is a contract, how schools respond to these requests differs widely. As future sport administrators, you must begin to think how you might respond to requests to breach the National Letter of Intent and what types of policies you might put into place in that regard.


Through online research, locate a recent example of a college athlete who wanted to be released from his or her National Letter of Intent.

· Consider why the athlete wished to be released and how the school responded.

· Do you agree or disagree with the school’s response?

· Consider any contract issues that were presented or avoided in the case.

Submit a 2-page paper in which you do the following:

· Describe the National Letter of Intent case you selected.

· Explain why the athlete wished to be released and how the school responded.

· Explain whether you agree or disagree with the school’s response and why.

· Explain any contract issues that were presented or avoided in the case as related to the student-athlete’s decision and the school’s response.

· Cite all references in your paper using APA style.