E- Communication Disorders

A communication disorders case will be discussed in class and students will  write an informal report via a case study form.  This page contains the case,  case study form, and due date.  See rubric for grading this assignment below.

Use a severity level in your diagnosis (example: mild-moderate cognitive deficits, severe fluency deficits )

See sample severity levels: Severity level charts


Diagnostic statement
Write a diagnostic statement with a severity rating. This is a one sentence statement

Describe communication deficits
Describe the client’s communication deficits as a result of the disorder in your diagnostic statement. Analyze the deficits and give specific examples that support your reasoning for the diagnosis.(specific sound errors in words, specific behaviors, specific examples of memory deficits, etc)

Set up long term and short term goals for the client. Long term is the overall goal, short term goals are the specific target to eventually reach the long term goal. Use ABCD format for short term goals:
Example: LT: Improve vocal quality
ST: Client will use easy onsets to reduce hard glottal attacks in single words with 70% accuracy
LT: Improve phonological skills
ST: Client will reduce use of velar fronting in single words after a clinician model with 50 % accuracy
ST: Client will reduce use of final consonant deletion in sentences with no cues with 70% accuracy

Lesson plan
Create a lesson plan for one ST goal. Describe an activity with materials and a therapy method that you would use to target one of the short term goals. How will this activity improve the skills that you are trying to target?