Part A: Select ONE (1) of the following questions and answer completely. A minimum of 3-4 paragraphs is required for this writing assignment.
- The text gives us several “definitions” of success. Think about this carefully and describe what you consider to be your “own” definition of success.
- When you find yourself in a cultural environment outside of your own, how do you know when to adapt and when to resist?
- Select one school you attend(ed). If you were to grade this school on its ability to capitalize on diversity, what grade would you give, and why?
Part B: Select ONE (1) of the following questions and answer completely. A minimum of 3-4 paragraphs is required for this writing assignment.
- Have you ever had the opportunity to meet someone on whom you had already formed certain impressions? (Examples – spouse/sibling/parent of a friend, a teacher/instructor etc). After meeting the person, how did these preconceived impressions affect your ability to relate to the person? Did your impressions change?
- We have all encountered some form of discrimination at some point in our lives. What was one of yours and how did you deal with it?
- What is the first image that comes to mind when you hear the words racism and prejudice?