Reseаrсh paper from Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. (2015). Internatіonal Management Culture, Strategy, Behavior (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education. Topic is based on InDepth Integrative Case 2.1a: Euro Disneyland (p. 250); and Case 2.1b: Beyond Tokyo: Disney’s Expansion in Asia (p. 260). Present your answers to the case questions using APAformat: Ten to twelve pages, doublespaced, using 12point Times New Roman font. Also, please ensure that you cite all scholarly information paraphrased or quoted from your researched sources of information on the case topic. Finally, be sure to include a separate Reference Page on which you list all of your research information sources according to correct APA citation style, depending on the kind of source: book, chapter, published article, internet article, etc. Be sure that your paper shows multiple revisions with improved focus and clear writing for a general audience. Please remember to check your paper against the criteria in the Writing Intensive Research Paper Rubric before submitting it. 2500+ words for the paper itself. I have the abstract and reference pages already graded by instructor that will be provided. Research is drawn from the literature (i.e., peerreviewed articles) and an indepth analysis of at least six (6) research articles with no more than one nonjuried/nonrefereed Internet site being used. Some references need to be from National American online library.