Disease Specific Health Promotion and Education Mental Health

PUBH426 Disease Specific Health Promotion and Education

Assessment Item 1: Portfolio Part A Literature Review
You need to SUBMIT (but you do not need to receive a pass mark) all parts of
your project to pass this course.
Disease-specific health promotion and education refers to health promotion strategies
and programs focused on a specific disease, for example, diabetes or cancer. The
World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) is
arguably health promotion’s benchmark document and laid the foundation for the
health promotion movement. However, in more recent times, the Charter has been
criticised for failing to be inclusive of all populations. These populations include those
at risk of specific diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Disease-specific health
promotion and education adopts the same principles and values as other models of
health promotion and education.
The aim of your project overall (that is, all three parts combined) is to report the current
international health promotion activity of a specific disease situated within health
promotion values and competencies. The aim of this assessment item is to review and
synthesize the current and relevant international evidence about health promotion
related to a specific disease.
Due date Week 6, Thursday 5 October 2023 11.59pm
Objectives CLO# 2
Length Total word count = 1000 words (+/- 10%).
Weighting 30%
 Grading Letter grading scale (provided in syllabus).
There are three interlinked assessment items in this course. Here is a visual
representation of the activities you need to do and the artifacts you need to submit for
each assessment item.
What you need to do… What you need to submit…
Project Part A:
Literature Review
Access, analysis and synthesise
current and relevant international
evidence about health promotion
related to a specific disease.
 link to online YuoTube clip
 1,000 word literature review
Project Part B:
Critique health promotion
initiatives for a specific disease
using the Ottawa Charter (1986).
 2,000 word critique
Project Part C:
Correlate and reflect upon IUHPE
Core Competencies for Health
Promotion with a specific disease.
 TED Talk audio (up to 12 min)
 TED Talk script
 reference list
This document explains Assessment Item 1: Portfolio Part A Literature Review.
This literature review will help you understand the status of health promotion and
education about a specific disease in preparation for undertaking Portfolio Part B and
Part C.
Firstly, you should choose a specific disease….
Your choice of disease can be physical, for example, diabetes or cancer but it does
not have to be a ‘physical’ disease. It can be within the realm of social and emotional
health and wellbeing. For example, you might like to explore mental health. If you have
an idea about any other diseases, just check with me first.
Now, you need to find a YouTube clip…
The YouTube clip should be international, no more than a year old and about health
promotion related to your disease on interest. For example, you might find YouTube
clip about lung cancer in Vietnam, mental health in the US or cardiovascular diseases
in Brazil. This YouTube clip will be the starting point for your literature review. For
example, the YouTube clip about lung cancer in Vietnam might cover several ideas –
for example, perception of risk, health literacy, culture of masculinity, innovative health
promotion strategies. You should consider the ideas in your YouTube clip and select
one which interests you. You should use this as the focus for your databases search
and literature review
Next, you should conduct a data base search…
Firstly, you will need to undertake a database search to identify the current and
relevant international evidence about health promotion related to your chosen disease.
You should access the literature which presents evidence about health promotion
strategies related to your chosen disease. You can use quantitative, mixed methods
and qualitative research. You should not include discussion articles, editorials,
systematic reviews of any type or other journal articles which do not present research
findings. The key to this assessment is sourcing 10 (and only 10) research articles
(from the last 5 years), that is, articles which include an intervention of some type and
report the findings of the intervention.
You should access literature about the disease you have chosen. The most important
thing is that you access intervention articles which report findings about the disease
of interest so you are accessing the current evidence base. Collecting data can be
considered an ‘intervention’ if the article presents findings, for example, values and
attitudes about a particular behaviour.
Next, you should write your literature review…
You can assume the reader is familiar with the topic of health promotion broadly, for
example, you do not need to explain concepts such as the World Health Organisation
or Ottawa Charter or what a setting is. However, be careful not to assume the reader
knows everything and make sweeping references without explanation. Definitions of
terms and diagrams, if relevant within the context of the assessment item, help the
uninitiated understand what you are talking about. You can add these as footnotes,
endnotes or appendix rather than in the body of your assessment.
Most importantly, you should explicate the research methodology (so, how did they
collect and analyse the data) in each article, highlight the findings and provide an
overall conclusion.
You should do more than just present a list of synopses of the findings of your chosen
research articles. You should demonstrate your understanding of the findings by
considering each article in the context of the others. You should analyse each article.
Then you should compare and contrast the methodologies and the findings of each
article. You may find it valuable to do this by developing a spreadsheet identifying the
critical elements, for example, methodology, methods, findings, of each article. This
will help you see the similarities and differences. You should present a balanced
argument for workplaces as a setting for health promotion and arrive at a conclusion.
You should arrive at the conclusion from synthesising your 10 articles. Generic, broad
conclusions like “There should be more research into …” do not demonstrate you have
an overall understanding and ability to critique and synthesise your articles as a whole.
This assessment item should be prepared according to the style guide recommended
by Qatar University.
You are expected to use non-discriminatory language at all times.
You should write your literature review in the third person in academic writing style.
The structure of your literature review should be according to the standard academic
structure of an assignment – introduction, main section (core points and arguments
presented logically) and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion should be about
10% (each) of the word count. You should follow the library guidelines for writing a
literature review.
This is standard critical literature review so please see the Library helpdesk for guidance.
As part of your preparation, you should look at the grading criteria sheet and make
sure you address all the criteria. The grading criteria sheet is available in the
Assessment folder on Blackboard. Any additional information about this assessment
item will also be posted in this folder.
It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the Student Rules regarding
assessment rules and responsibilities.
Academic honesty means you are expected to exhibit honesty and act responsibly
when undertaking assessment. Any action or practice on your part which would defeat
the purpose of this assessment is regarded as academic dishonesty. The penalties for
academic dishonesty are provided in the Student Rules. For more information you
should consult the library resources for avoiding plagiarism.
Here is some information about how to present your assessment item.
 black text on white background
 12 point Times New Roman or 11 point Arial
 double-spaced (the reference list can be 1.15 or 1.5 line spacing)
 page margins must be ‘normal’ or at least 2.54cm on each sides
 a title page which must include the following…
 your name and student number
 the course name and the instructor’s name
 the title of your assignment (A1: Portfolio Part A Literature Review)
 the TOTAL word count
 your name and student number must in the header
 page numbers must be inserted in the bottom right corner of each page
The word count includes ALL the words in the body of the assessment including
subheadings and citations. It does not include the words on the title page or the
reference list.
Marks will be deducted if the word count is not included on the title page.
Marks will be deducted if the word count is more than allowed.
The very last thing you should do before you submit your assessment item, is cross
reference your assessment item with the Assessment Item Guidelines. This will ensure
you have met the criterion and achieve the highest mark.
You must retain a full copy of any assessment items and be able to
provide this in the event an assignment is lost or destroyed.
In this course, the TurnItIn software tool is used to help you understand how to cite
and reference the sources you use for your assessment. TurnItIn detects the amount
of ‘cut and paste’ material in your assessment. TurnItIn searches the web, databases
and assessments submitted to Qatar and other universities. The match percentage of
cut and paste in your assessment item is identified in an Originality Report. The
acceptable level of cut and paste material is about 10%, but this depends on what has
been cut and paste. If the match percentage in your assessment item is greater than
10%, you may have breached QU plagiarism rules. Marks will not be released on
Blackboard for Originality Reports with a match percentage greater than approximately
10%. These assessments will be checked individually. There are two links here on
Blackboard where you can find out more information about TurnItIn and Originality
You should upload an electronic copy of your assessment item via the red and grey
TurnItIn logo in the assessment folder on Blackboard. You should click on View
Assignment to submit your assessment item. You will receive a confirmation email to
your QU account after your assessment item has been submitted successfully.
The university-wide Late Submission of Assessment Policy governs arrangements
for students who require an extension, as well as penalties imposed for late
submission of assessment. You can find more information about this policy and how
to apply for an extension on the University website or by calling Student Call Centre
on 4403 4444. Extensions are only granted in exceptional circumstances. All students
are entitled to receive feedback about assessment items before the next assessment
item is due. Extensions delay this process, including the availability of feedback on
Blackboard. This hinders student’s opportunity to review valuable feedback in a timely
Timely and constructive feedback about this assessment item will be provided.
Generic feedback about this assessment items will be available under the Feedback
button on Blackboard. This feedback is aligned with the grading criteria and will explain
many of your queries. If you would like individual feedback, I am happy to discuss your
assessment by telephone or in person. Please contact me after you have read the
generic feedback.

10 references only qalitative or quantitative or mixed method only
and should be last 5 years only