Diploma in Education & Training (DET) Level 5: Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training. Instructions: Diploma in Education & Training (DET) Level 5: Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training. Task A : Write a report in which you analyse: 1. your own role and responsibilities in education and training (ref. 1.1) 2. the relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles (ref.1.3) 3. the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals. 4. (ref. 2.2) You must also include a description of points of referral to meet the needs of learners (ref. 1.4) and a summary of key aspects of legislation, requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities. (ref. 1.2) All tasks must be produced in a professional academic writing style and should include evidence of your research with references. This includes linking research coherently to your writing and using referencing, such as a bibliography, citing and quotes. You need to include AT LEAST 3 quotes and 3 references per task. Word count: 1000