You will choose, with my approval, a current scientific paper(2014present)from an area of developmental biology covered in class that raises clear ethical and moral considerations. You will then analyze the scientific and ethical dimensions of the research in this article in much the same way as we did in for group case study. Your assignment is to put yourself in the shoes of a member of that journal’s editorial board. Your task is to make a recommendation to the rest of the editorial board on whether or not to publish this paper. Your editorial review and recommendation should be 68pages long and address the quality of the science and ethical concerns raised by their research, and how the authors addressed those concerns.50 pts, due in class the first Monday after exam 3. Other instructions: I have attached the research article on which this critique needs to be done. First, explore the scientific aspect of the research article. Please go into depth about each section of the article such as the methods, discussion, introduction, results. Discuss the science behind each section, critique the science, talk about if there were any better means of experimenting. Do an indepth critique of the science in detail of each section of the article. Please (this should be about 3 and1/2 pages) Next, explore the ethics of each section along the lines of developmental biology. Some topics to think about are: in vitro vs. in vivo studies, using embryos, making a cerebral organoid and what that means for consciousness, look at the ethical policies of experimentation in the US and state if the study follow or violates this (Explore it as well) this should be the remainder of the pages conclusion: conclude whether this research article is a good source of information