The tаsk fоr thіs subjeсt is the theoretiсаl development of a positive behaviour support plan for a child/student using the prevent-teach-reinforce (PTR) model. The positive behaviour support plan is not to be implemented as part of this subject.
There are 2 parts to this assessment task. Ensure you refer to the criteria sheet before submitting this task.
Part 1: Development of Positive Behaviour Support Plan – Word limit 1500 words
Complete the following tasks:
1. Choose a child/student with whom you are currently working, or have worked with in the past, who exhibits challenging behaviour (case studies will be provided for students who would prefer this option). Please use pseudonyms for the student, and staff, and the school.
2. Choose one behaviour for which you would like to develop a positive behaviour support plan, and develop one short-term SMART goal. A guide to SMART goals is on the LMS in the
Assessment 2 Folder.
3. Complete the PTR Functional Behaviour Assessment Checklist for the problem behaviour (this does not need to be attached to the task). Refer to Dunlap et al. (2010) pp. 56-61.
4. Complete the PTR Functional Behaviour Assessment Summary Table. Refer to Dunlap et al.
(2010) p. 62.
5. Based on this assessment, develop a positive behaviour support plan. Refer to Dunlap et al.
(2010) p. 104.
Part 2:
Justification of plan – Word limit 1500 words
Write a justification for your positive behaviour support plan. This justification needs to include a discussion of:
• The reason for the choice of behaviour of concern (consider the definition of challenging behaviour from Module 1 and various theories of behaviour. Also consider how the behaviour impacts on the child’s/student’s ability to access the teaching and learning program).
• How the PTR assessment checklist guided your choice of intervention – See Dunlap et al. (2010)
p. 102.
• How you will assess whether the implementation has been a success. What would be your next steps if a success? What would be your next steps if the intervention led to the behaviour not improving, changing or worsening?