Developing a Teaching Plan

Week 5: Developing a Teaching Plan

Instructions: This week’s assignment will help you apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the first four weeks of the course. For this assignment, you will plan a four hour face to face class session on becoming a culturally competent nurse. Your students consist of 30 baccalaureate students at the Denver College of Nursing in the foundations of nursing course. This class should include different kinds of learning activities, including didactic, practice, and evaluation components. It should reflect a variety of learning theories and utilize culturally relevant teaching practices. Please use this worksheet to complete the assignment. Do not write a formal paper. Just complete the worksheet. Please do not remove the directions. Use in text citations where appropriate and include a reference page at the end.

Describe your general plan for the class.

What space and equipment/supply needs will you have?

Will your primary orientation be pedagogical, andragogical, or a combination? Provide your rationales and support your answer with documentation.

Write two student learning objectives, one that addresses the cognitive domain and one that addresses the affective domain. Use terms relating to Blooms taxonomy levels. Use the newer terms, not the original taxonomy. See page 166 in the Billings text for additional information. Then, describe at least three teaching/learning activities that will help the student achieve each of these objectives.

Learning Objective #1 (Cognitive)

Learning Objective:

Bloom’s Level:

Lesson Plan: Describe at least three teaching/learning activities you will use to address this learning objective. (i.e. what will the student and/or the teacher be doing during the class?). Complete the table below to describe and support your plan.

Teaching/Learning Activities

Why did you select these activities? What learning theories support your choice of activities and why? (Provide documentation to support your rationale).

Learning Objective #2 (Affective)

Learning Objective:

Bloom’s Level:

Lesson Plan: Describe at least three teaching/learning activities you will use to address this learning objective (i.e. what will the student and/or the teacher be doing during the class?). Complete the table below to describe and support your plan.

Teaching/Learning Activities

Why did you select these activities? What learning theories support your choice of activities and why? (Provide documentation to support your rationale).

Describe how you have accounted for different learning styles and components of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle.

How did you consider the cultural relevancy of your teaching and learning strategies (review your text, pp. 238-246)?

Describe the assessment/evaluation methods you will use to assess student learning.

Write a concluding paragraph summarizing your experience with this assignment.
