Design And Develop A Wine/Food Tasting Event

Instructions: Instead of writing this in an essay format, your Final Course Project should be designed as a narrated PowerPoint video. It should be a minimum of 25 slides and include an event theme, decorations/tablescapes, foods, and wines. Use APA formatting, 6th edition, in a cover slide and reference slide. The theme can reflect a family, sporting, military honors, or holiday event. If you wish to develop the theme in another venue, then contact me through the message link for approval. The Wine/Food Pairing Interactive Link is shown below to help you in the development. You may add pictures or music to augment your voice in the recording. I highly recommend that you develop a script to go with the slides. It will make recording much easier. 


Assignment: Design and develop a wine/food tasting event to enhance the flavor profile of 10 wines and 5 foods.