Culture, Socialization, and Life Experiences

Using Mill’s sociological imagination as a baseline, identify, discuss / analyze the relationship between culture and the socialization process. Begin with a description of the notion of culture (e.g., what is culture?) and discuss its diverse components (e.g., myths, rituals, symbols, etc). Discuss your understanding of the process of socialization (e.g., primary and secondary socialization), followed by a discussion regarding the way that culture affects the socialization process and the other way around. Remember to consider the process of social interactions and its effects during your discussion. As you write your paper, provide examples of how the relationship between culture and socialization has been reflected in your personal, professional, and social life.

Again, responses provided in your paper need to integrate content from the readings, class lectures -discussions, and videos. Responses must be clear, well-organized, and concrete / descriptive. Responses must be supported by a rationale / descriptive analysis. A good rationale / descriptive analysis is thoughtful and often strengthened by the use of examples.

Use the following structure when writing your paper: 

Introduction: The introduction acquaints the reader with the topic, thesis, and way that the content is going to be organized. Its purpose is to get the readers’ attention and make them want to read the essay;
Body Paragraphs: These paragraphs have the purpose of developing and strengthening the overall thesis presented in the initial introduction. Each paragraph begins with the presentation of a central theme which is elaborated, explained, and supported by the sentences that follow, through concrete – descriptive examples and statistical data where appropriate. While each paragraph stands alone, concepts / information presented through the body paragraphs are connected through smooth transitional words and phrases. Below is an example of how to organize your body paragraphs:
First section: What is the sociological imagination? Why is it useful when exploring experiences within our social world? How is it used / applied (i.e., the exploration of how different experiences – micro, mezzo, macro – impact one another)?

Second section: Using a sociological imagination lens, define culture as well as identify / discuss / analyze its different components (myths; rituals; symbols; material culture and symbolic culture; norms; language; technology – tools; sanctions).

Third section: Using a sociological imagination lens, define socialization / socialization process as well as identify / discuss / analyze different components of the socialization process (primary and secondary groups / primary and secondary socialization). 

Fourth section: identify, discuss, and analyze the relationship between culture and socialization.

Fifth section: integration of sociological concepts previously discussed and ways that these have been reflected in your life. For example, how have cultural influences and cultural choices been reflected in your life (i.e., What past significant life experiences have shaped the ways that you had behaved and made choices? Explore ways that your current beliefs / values / traditions / language were formed and factors / agents of socialization influencing those processes, as well as changes that you have made / observed? Etc).

Conclusion: This is the point when the essay comes into a satisfying closure. Be reflective and thoughtful while avoiding lengthy – excessive summaries. This is your opportunity for an overarching statement based on the content that you have explored (i.e., what have you learned from this writing? Prior to this writing, did you recognize how culture and socialization are constantly shaping our lives? Etc).