Subject: Management, Rethinking Leadership Essay: Critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of heroic and postheroic leadership theories, drawing on two or more perspectives covered in this module. Where appropriate, use specific examples of selected leaders and/or leadership processes to illustrate your arguments. Relevant Lecture slides are also uploaded. Please extensively use and link to theory. Also, please use some of the following references provided. You are free to use other references as well but please at least use some these references. • Gronn, P. (2002) Distributed leadership as a unit of analysis. Leadership Quarterly 13(4): 42351. • UhlBien, M. and Ospina, S. (eds) (2012) Advancing Relational Leadership Research: A Dialogue among Perspectives. Information Age. • UhlBien, M. (2005) Relational leadership theory; Exploring the social processes of leadership and organizing. Leadership Quarterly, 17: 654676. • UhlBien, M., Marion, R. and McKelvey, B. (2007) Complexity leadership theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era. Leadership Quarterly, 18: 298318. • Gronn, P. (2009) Leadership configurations. Leadership, 5/3: 381393. • Kouzes, J. and Posner, B. (2012) The Leadership Challenge, 5th edition. Jossey Bass. • Pearce, C. and Congor, J. (eds) (2003) Shared Leadership: Reframing the How’s and Why’s of Leadership. London: Sage. • Meindl, J., Ehrlich, S. B. and Dukerich, J. M. (1985) The Romance of leadership. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(1): 78102. • Goethals, A. (2017) Handbook of Heroism and Heroic Leadership. New York: Routledge. • Goethals, A. (2011) Heroes. Oxford University Press. • Howell, J. (2013) Snapshots of Great Leadership. New York: Routledge. • Cohen, W (2010) Heroic Leadership: Leading with Integrity and Honour. JosseyBass. • Montefiore, S. S. (2012) Titans of History. London: Quercus. • Zaccaro S. (2007) ‘Traitbased Perspectives of Leadership.’ American Psychologist 62, 6–16. • Ciulla, J. B. (2013) ‘Searching for Mandela: The Saint as a Sinner Who Keeps on Trying.’ In D. Ladkin and C. Spiller (eds) Authentic Leadership: Clashes, Convergences and Coalescences. Edward Elgar.