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Critically discuss the role of the leader in facilitating any change process in the workplace. This could be discussed in relation to a health related area but could more generally examine the components of sustainable change and the role of the leader and leadership styles covered in this unit. Use of relevant literature is expected, including some references from each of the three modules, as well as literature specific to the change to support the analysis and critical discussion.
This could include:
- the role of the leader in change processes
- workplace culture and its relevance to workplace change
- the importance of consideration of an organisation’s vision, mission and strategic goals when considering workplace change
- analysis of a change theory and its importance in the planning and implementation of any change.
- the barriers and facilitators to the success of this change and how the leader can manage these.
For both topics, you are expected to write a scholarly essay that explores the chosen topic in a critical manner and demonstrate your understanding of the ideas and concepts related to leading organisational performance improvement or change. You are also required to demonstrate an ability to apply these ideas and concepts to the program being discussed.
It is expected that you will use the accepted format for an academic essay including:
- an introduction with a thesis statement
- sections made up of a number of paragraphs that address each of the assignment points and
- a comprehensive conclusion.
- APA referencing
Important Reference to be used in essay –
1.Clinical leadership: Innovation into action
Author: Stanley, D.
Start page: 118
End page: 147
Chapter: Managing change
Publication Date: 2011
2. Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J.
Start page: 260
End page: 283
Chapter: Organizational structure
Publication Date: 2015
Edition: 8th
ISBN 9781451192810
LCCN: ^^2013036678
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health
3. Practical leadership and management in healthcare: For nurses and allied health professionals
Author: Sullivan, E. J., & Garland, G.
Start page: 134
End page: 153
Chapter: Motivating and developing others
Notes: U.K. adaptation of: Effective leadership and management in nursing / Eleanor J. Sullivan, Phillip J. Decker. c2005.
Publication Date: 2013
Edition: 2nd
ISBN: 9781447912064
LCCN: 2012049558
Place of publication:
Harlow, United Kingdom :
Publisher: Pearson Education
4. Leadership in organizations
Author: Yukl, G. L.
Start page: 309
End page: 339
Chapter: Charismatic and transformational leadership
Publication Date 2013
Edition: 8th
Place of publication: Upper Saddle River, N.J. :
Publisher: Pearson
5. Management and leadership in nursing: an Australian educational perspective
Dignam, Denise ; Duffield, Christine ; Stasa, Helen ; Gray, Joanne ; Jackson, Debra ; Daly, John
Journal Title Journal of Nursing Management
Volume: 20
Start page: 65
End page: 71
Publication Date: Jan 2012
ISSN: 09660429
Issue: 1
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01340.x
6.Change management–or change leadership?
Author: Gill, Roger
Journal Title Journal of Change Management
Volume 3
Pages: 307-318
Start page: 307
End page: 318
Publication Date: Dec 01, 2002
ISSN: 14697017
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Issue: 4
DOI: 10.1080/714023845
7.Practically speaking: Rethinking hand hygiene improvement programs in health care settings
Son, Crystal ; Chuck, Tina ; Childers, Teresa ; Usiak, Shauna ; Dowling, Mary ; Andiel, Corinna ; Backer, Regan ; Eagan, Janet ; Sepkowitz, Kent
Journal Title American Journal of Infection Control
Volume: 39
Start page: 716
Publication Date: Nov 01, 2011
ISSN: 01966553
Issue: 9
- Kotter, J.P. & Schlesinger, L.A. (2008). Choosing strategies for change. Harvard Business Review, 86, (7/8), 130-139
- Sullivan, E.J (2013). Effective leadership and management in nursing (8 th ed.) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Chapter 2.
- Sullivan, E. & Garland G. (2013). Motivating and developing others. In E. Sullivan & G. Garland Practical leadership and management in nursing (2nd ed.). London: Pearson Education Ltd.pp.135-153
- Management Role in Organisational Direction, Design and Effectiveness.
(Adapted from: Daft, R. (2010) Organisational theory and design. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, Chapter 2, page 59)
- Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C.J. (2015). Organizational structure. In Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.pp.260-283). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.
- Sullivan, E.J. & Garland, G. (2013) Motivating and developing others. In Practical leadership and management in healthcare (2nd ed.) (pp.134-153). Harlow. U.K: Pearson Education.
- Finkelman, A.W. (2006). Teamwork and motivation. Leadership and management in nursing. Pearson/Prentice Hall. pp. 200-223
- Finkelman, A.W. (2016). Developing interprofessional and intraprofessional teams. In Leadership and management for nurses. Boston: Pearson pp.298-314
- Son, C., Chuck, T., Childers, T., Usiak, S. Dowling, M., Andiel, C., Backer, R., Eagan, J. & Sepkowitz, K. (2011). Practically speaking: Rethinking hand hygiene improvement programs in health care settings. American journal of infection control, 39:716-724.
- Mainz, J. (2003a). Developing Evidence-based clinical indicators: a state of the art methods primer. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15, (1), i5-i11.
- Mainz, J. (2003b). Defining and classifying clinical indicators for quality improvement. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15, (6), 523-530.
- Siriwardena, A. N. (2006). Releasing the potential of health services: translating clinical leadership into healthcare quality improvement. Quality in Primary Care, 14(3), 125-128.