Part I
There are various identification methods used in the criminal justice system. There are also two different types of evidence used: physical evidence and circumstantial evidence. This discussion examines the reliability of the various methods used and examines the two different types of evidence.
Please discuss each of the following:
Discuss the various identification methods used in the criminal justice system. Discuss some of the flaws with eye witness identifications?
What is the difference between physical evidence and circumstantial evidence? Which do you believe is more reliable to a jury?
What are some of the benefits and drawbacks to relying on DNA evidence in a criminal case?
Part II
Please review the two signed statements from witnesses. One is from Dawn Dietz, the prosecutor’s witness, and the other is from Joe “The Fireman”, the defense’s witness. Using these two witness statements and the facts provided to you in the week 1 discussion, answer the following questions:
1) If you were the prosecutor, how would you discredit the potential testimony of Joe The Fireman?
2) If you were the defense attorney, how would you discredit the potential testimony of Dawn Dietz?
3) What statements/testimony from the witnesses, the police officer and Mayo will be admissible and inadmissible? Discuss why.
Please analyze the following utilizing the Model Penal Code:
1) Scott breaks into a house with the intentions of stealing some jewelry. He is surprised that the owner is at home, grabs his gun, and fatally shoots him. What charge can be filed against Scott? Discuss why.
2) Brett sneaks into a warehouse intent on theft and is surprised by a security guard, whom Brett knocks down a flight of stairs, killing him. What crime was committed? Discuss why.
3) Liza drives 80 MPH on a windy road, drives off a cliff, killing his passenger in the crash. What charges can be filed against Liza? Discuss why.
4) Please share any similar cases that you found. How did conducting research and going through each step of legal analysis help you to reach this conclusion? Analyze how you applied critical thinking and legal analytical skills to assist you in this regard. What new research and/or analytical tool or method did you try for the first time this week? What do you think you do well and what would you like to strengthen so that you continue to improve?
5) Collaborate with each other as the week goes on to make all aspects of this Discussion as robust as possible.