The aim of this piece of coursework is to create 3 page pamphlet presenting a country entrepreneurship profile. Each student is to select a different country to profile – a sign-up list will be made available on blackboard at the beginning of term. The profile should:
– present types, levels and quality of entrepreneurship in the country and how these compare to other countries
– assess the extent to which the country’s institutional, regulatory and cultural environment supports or hinders entrepreneurship.
As well as displaying data on these aspects in the form of graphs, charts and tables, you should provide a written discussion of the data. You are required to draw upon theories discussed in class to interpret the data and assess the supportiveness of the country environment towards entrepreneurship.
There will be a chance for feedback during the in-class peer review session. You are required to print and bring a draft of your pamphlet for this class. You will give and receive peer feedback which can then be integrated into your pamphlet before submitting the final draft for assessment.
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1. compare and contrast different meanings and measurements for the terms “entrepreneurship” and “entrepreneurs” and explain how they relate to different theoretical perspectives and empirical findings
2. analyse the importance of different types of entrepreneurship to the economy
3. assess the evidence supporting explanations of why some people and some places are more entrepreneurial than others
4. evaluate how supportive a country environment is toward entrepreneurship through identifying and applying relevant data and theories