Concepts of Training

EXSC 2100 – CEXSC 2100 – Concepts of Training
Assignment #9 – Final Project

For completion of this assignment, you will need:
1. Connect with your assigned partner (check your email)
2. Conduct an online interview (email, text, D2L messaging, Discord, etc…) for collection of subjective information (see requirements below)
3. Exchange information necessary for objective measures (see requirements below)
4. Create a 3-month plan for your partners (see requirements below)

Project Requirements
Part I (10 points)
1. Subjective Interview report:
a. (1 point) What is your client’s goal?
b. (1 point) Why is this goal important for this client?
c. (1 point) Tell me about your client’s typical day
d. (1 point) Does your client have aby history with exercise and/or dieting?
e. (1 point) What are the results of your client’s PAAR-Q?

2. Objective Data Report
a. (1 point) What is your client’s current circumference (see chapter 6 for circumference measures)
b. (1 point) Are there any observable deviation to your client’s static posture? If yes, please list them
c. (1 point) Are there any observable deviations to your client’s dynamic posture? If yes, please list them
d. (1 point) What is your client time to exhaustion during a plank? (How long can they hold a plank with good form without losing form?
e. (1 point) What is your client’s estimated VO2 max and Max HR? (see Rockport Walk test instructions)
Part II (10 points)
1. (1.5 points) In which phase of the OPT model shall your client begin? EXPLAIN ANSWER (1.5 points)
2. (1 point) Provide your clients Macrocyle (3-month plan)
3. (1.5 points) Provide your clients Mesocycles (see D2L) – You will need three of these; one for each month.
4. (3 points) Provide your client’s Microcycles for Resistance Training (see D2L) – You will need three of these; one representing each month)
5. (1 point) Provide an overview of your client’s cardiorespiratory training?
a) What Zones with they use during month 1? Month 2? Month 3?
6. Dropbox for this will be available 12/07-12/13
Due date for Part II is 12/13 11:59 PM

Assignment #9 – Final Project

For completion of this assignment, you will need:
1. Connect with your assigned partner (check your email)
2. Conduct an online interview (email, text, D2L messaging, Discord, etc…) for collection of subjective information (see requirements below)
3. Exchange information necessary for objective measures (see requirements below)
4. Create a 3-month plan for your partners (see requirements below)

Project Requirements
Part I (10 points)
1. Subjective Interview report:
a. (1 point) What is your client’s goal?
b. (1 point) Why is this goal important for this client?
c. (1 point) Tell me about your client’s typical day
d. (1 point) Does your client have aby history with exercise and/or dieting?
e. (1 point) What are the results of your client’s PAAR-Q?

2. Objective Data Report
a. (1 point) What is your client’s current circumference (see chapter 6 for circumference measures)
b. (1 point) Are there any observable deviation to your client’s static posture? If yes, please list them
c. (1 point) Are there any observable deviations to your client’s dynamic posture? If yes, please list them
d. (1 point) What is your client time to exhaustion during a plank? (How long can they hold a plank with good form without losing form?
e. (1 point) What is your client’s estimated VO2 max and Max HR? (see Rockport Walk test instructions)
Part II (10 points)
1. (1.5 points) In which phase of the OPT model shall your client begin? EXPLAIN ANSWER (1.5 points)
2. (1 point) Provide your clients Macrocyle (3-month plan)
3. (1.5 points) Provide your clients Mesocycles (see D2L) – You will need three of these; one for each month.
4. (3 points) Provide your client’s Microcycles for Resistance Training (see D2L) – You will need three of these; one representing each month)
5. (1 point) Provide an overview of your client’s cardiorespiratory training?
a) What Zones with they use during month 1? Month 2? Month 3?
6. Dropbox for this will be available 12/07-12/13
Due date for Part II is 12/13 11:59 PM