Comparison Myth Assignment

You have two choices on the type of comparison essay you choose to write. The one you choose should depend on the type of writer and researcher you are as a student. One will require more research, but could be a bit more fun for those of you who enjoy research. Your 2 comparison essay types are as follows:

  1. Choose two myths we have read and compare the two. Point out the similarities and differences between the two myths, the pantheons, and the symbolic meanings embedded in the myths you choose. It is easiest to compare like myths; for example, comparing two creation cosmogonies will be a lot easier than trying to compare a Creation Cosmogony to a flood myth or an apocalyptic myth.  You must use proper MLA citation format, and you must quote from the each of the two primary texts you are using in your paper. I have attached a brief description of what a comparison essay is, and how to write a successful comparison essay. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me anytime. 
  2. Compare of contrast at least 3 versions of the same myth, or adaptations of the original myth. So, you would choose a myth we read and do some research on 2 different versions of the myth or 2 different progressions or adaptations of the myth. For example, if you were to choose to use Hesiod’s Theogony as your original myth, you might want to focus on one of the characters and subsequent myths that support that character like Zeus or Prometheus. Or, you might choose to use the “Genesis” account of creation, and compare it to John Milton’s Paradise Lost, and the New International Version (or any other adaptations or versions you choose) of the Bible’s account of Genesis. You can use any of the myths we will be reading this semester for this essay. It is important to note that all versions do not have to be literature, but at least 2 of your choices should be (the original myth, and one variation). You can incorporate multi-modal versions for the 3rd comparison (movies, TV, music, artworks, graphic novels, comics, games [board or video], plays, etc). You must use proper MLA citation format, and you must quote from the each of the three sources you are using in your paper. You will need to use the primary texts and secondary texts for this option. You must have at least 2 secondary sources that solidify your arguments on the similarities between the choices you have made. I have attached a brief description of what a comparison essay is, and how to write a successful comparison essay. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.