Paper details
Compare and Contrast Assignment 1:
Due Friday, May 21 on eClass by 5:00 pm
∙Word count: 700 to 1050 words, double spaced, 12 point font
∙Include your name and student number on the first page
∙Include total word count on the last page
∙Assignments must be submitted as a PDF or Word document.
∙Start each assignment by providing information about each of photograph in a separate paragraph and then
discussing similarities and differences after, also in separate paragraphs.
∙Late assignments will not be accepted unless you have made arrangements with the professor via email by
the Thursday evening at 5:00 pm prior to the date the assignment is due.
Choose ONLY ONE set from the four sets of images below and discuss the following:
1) Give information about each work. Answer at least three of the following questions
-How does this work fit within the themes, issues, art movements, styles, or time periods discussed in class?
-What are the social, political, philosophical, or historical contexts of the work?
-What is the subject matter and how does it relate to the social, political or philosophical contexts of the
-What were the artist’s intentions, aims, goals — what is artist trying to achieve?
-Is this typical of the kinds of works produced by this artist? How or why not?
-How might the formal elements (composition, tonal values, photographic techniques, type of camera used,
etc.) of the work relate to its meaning?
-Include information from the lectures, textbook, and documentaries
-Please note that you need to do more than simply describe what you see in the work.
2) Similarities
-What are the similarities between the two works?
-Discuss the subject matter, and artist’s intentions, and technical aspects or other elements that might contain
-How do the similarities relate the themes, issues, styles, time periods, and/or art movements discussed in
class? (Discuss at least 2 of these areas)
-Be sure to discuss not just the formal aspects but how these photographs relate to the contexts and time
periods in which they were produced
3) Differences
-What are the differences between the works?
-Discuss the subject matter and artist’s intentions, and technical aspects or other elements that might contain
-How do the differences relate the themes, issues, styles, time periods, and/or art movements discussed in
class? (Discuss at least 2 of these areas)
-How are the artists’ intentions and goals different?
-Be sure to discuss not just the formal aspects but also the contexts and time periods in which the works
were produced