Community information gathering and awareness of community needs and issues are major and necessary dimensions of primary health care nursing in order that actual or potential community health issues may be prioritised and resolved or modified. The implementation of health promotion programs requires.
You are required to identify a health promotion strategy that addresses one public health issue identified in your Community Needs Assessment. In your report (2500 words) you will need to:
- Describe the aetiology and/or epidemiology of the public health issue
- Critically analyse the relationship between current knowledge of the publichealth issue and the LGA data you have collected in your community profile
- Critically analyse the current health promotion program implemented in the LGS you live or work in
- Critically reflect on how you can incorporate the health promotion strategy into your primary health care nursing practice
- Explore and critically appraise strategies that will assist you to partner with the community to evaluate if the identified community need is being adequately addressed.
Note: Report writing is an essential skill for health care professionals, particularly nurses. A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. It should be easy to read, and professional in its presentation. Like an essay a report needs an introduction, body, conclusion and reference list. Synthesis of material and critical thinking and analysis of evidence and sources is also required. Headings and sub headings can be used to present information.