
Write about an Australian community and show your understanding of teaching practices, strategies and resources that are responsive to your chosen community, inclusive of the wider Indigenous Australian community.
Picture yourself as a new teacher in a school and you wish to integrate local Indigenous knowledge and culture into your teaching and curriculum. You will need to understand the history and demographics of your community (including Indigenous culture and history) and your cultural position in relation to the rest of the community. Show your understanding of your community’s history and makeup by embedding them in your teaching resources, activities and strategies while also ensuring your pedagogy aligns with Indigenous policies and curriculum. You can then use digital media you have created to creatively communicate your community and pedagogy engaging both Indigenous content and students. See a visualisation of the three elements of the assessment to consider.

Part A: Community
1. Choose a community (a local area), perhaps the one you live in now, one where you teach, one you lived in or another of your choice.
2. You will need to analyse the composition of the community (people residing there), the relationship between those in the community, its history and influences, and your cultural position in relation to the whole community and its Indigenous members. Avoid just listing statistics.
3. You will need to demonstrate your understanding of the community’s contemporary Indigenous people and the community’s cultural and historical Indigenous foundation.
4. You can demonstrate your knowledge in both the written part of your portfolio (which will be a word document) and any other digital media elements you include in your portfolio.
Part B: Pedagogy and Curriculum
1. You will outline your Indigenous aligned teaching resources, activities and strategies in the written component of your digital portfolio.
2. You will need to rationalise and explain why these teaching resources, activities and strategies are appropriate for your specific community (Indigenous and non-Indigenous members) and the wider Indigenous Australian community.
3. You will also outline how your teaching resources, activities and strategies choices align with curriculum and policy around Indigenous education and create a culturally inclusive learning environment for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.
4. The written part of your digital portfolio will be supported with scholarly research, employ evidence-based practice, and be accurately referenced.