
Please answer the following questions about the content of the assigned material. As a rule, each answer should be between 3 and 5 sentences long and should be written in your own words (vs. copying/pasting from the source). In the rare cases when you do want to cite a specific phrase or part of a sentence, be sure to indicate that it is a direct quotation by using quotation marks. Please title and number all responses.

Deborah A. Miranda, “Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California,”Links to an external site. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 16, no. 1-2 (2010): 253-284 (to access the article, click on the “Duke University Press Electronic Package” option under “Full Text Available,” sign in to your CSUSM library/proxy account, and click on the button under the “The text of this article is only available as a PDF” at the Duke website to download the PDF).
What is “Christian imperialism” and how was it practiced by Spanish colonizers?
How did gendercide figure into this project?
How have Two-Spirit people preserved the legacy of their ancestors?
John Corrigan and Lynn S. Neal, eds., “Religious Intolerance in Colonial America (chapter 1),” in Religious Intolerance in America: A Documentary History (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010), 17-47 (to access, click on the link, navigate to Full Text, click to access with your CSUSM library/proxy account, and locate the chapter within the book; you may then need to create an account with ProQuest Ebook Central to read the chapter).

What is the definition of religious intolerance that the authors provide?
How did the English colonists in the “new” (to them) world treat people of different ethnic and religious belonging?
How did the colonists treat Jewish people, Indigenous people, women whom they suspected of witchcraft, and Quakers?
How did similar dynamics play out in New Spain and New France?