Co-Culture Interview and Research Report

Co-Culture Interview and Research Report AssignmentEnsure your report: 1. Uses language that skillfully commu
readers with clarity and fluency. Virtually error-free. 2.Uses college-level word usage, spelling, grammar, punctuat
citation, in-text and works citedFormat of report:1. Title/cover page 2. A summary (2-3 pages) where you address
“problem”. Provide a clear “opening” to your report and ensure you state a thesis!! Answer the following using RE
paraphrase or quote a source directly, ensure you properly cite the source (see bottom links provided for help):W
is it different than sub-cultures?Why is it important to study about co-cultures?What potential communication p
between a co-culture and the dominate culture?What co-culture did you select?Refer back to the “Setting the
was your hypothesis concerning interviewees’ personal experience communicating with the larger culture of San
themes/aspects of his/her co-cul
Name and demographics about person you interviewedInterview questions and answers from individual (shou
answers). If your interviewee isn’t providing in-depth responses (or they quickly state they have NO problem com
larger culture, you need to find a new interviewee)4. Conclusion (1-2 pages)Provide a summary:oWas your hyp
interviewee within your co-culture have communication challenges with the larger culture in San Antonio as you e
not? oWhat did you learn about communicating with this co-culture?oWhat could society as a whole do to improve
this co