MEDS2153/2154 Advаnсed Laboratory Mediсine: Final Project Reрort: To be submitted by the end of Week 13 (Sunday 22nd October, 2017 by 2359 hours via Turnitin in Blackboard). For Clinical Biochemistry project students a Hard Copy of your report is NOT required. For all other disciplines, please submit a hard copy to the “Academic Services 201.2.10” assignment box by Monday 23rd October, 2017. You have already done a background introduction as part of your literature review. Do NOT add your literature again to this report for the turnitin submission. You should add the literature review to the hard copy report for completeness. Note however it will not be remarked. Following on from your literature review you should have a one paragraph introduction to include your specific project aims and a hypothesis if relevant. The project report should be similar to a scientific manuscript which is published in a scientific journal. The main part of the report should be 5000 words (or approx. 7,000 words with your literature review embedded in the hard copy) and consist of: 1. Introduction. 2. Methods and Materials. 3. Results. 4. Discussion. 5. Conclusion. The 5,0007,000 words are approximately 2022 pages (12 pt Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing) and does not include the tables, figures, figure legends, and the following: Also included in the report should be: 1. Title page. 2. Abstract (250 words), on separate page. 3. Table of Contents, on separate page. 4. List of references; ?3050 references in Vancouver format. 5. Acknowledgements. Please check the rubric for further details. CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 Raw Weight Total Essay Presentation and Title Page Inappropriate font and muddled layout without illustrations Acceptable font and layout without illustrations or subheadings Uses appropriate font and layout with illustrations to emphasise ideas. Some subheadings Attractive layout with good use of subheadings and illustrations to emphasise ideas 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents not correctly formatted. Poor layout. Some errors in content and formatting of Table of Contents. Table of Contents cited correctly in text with consistent but incorrect formatting of Page numbering. Table of Contents cited correctly in text with correct formatting of Page numbering. 1 Abstract An inadequate summary. A summary of 2 of the methods, results or conclusion. A summary of methods, results and conclusions with some omissions. A thorough summary includes methods, all results and conclusions. Fulfills 250 word limit. 2 Materials and Methods Materials and Methods is incomplete and difficult to follow. Materials and Methods section has some omissions or is difficult to follow. Well organised materials and methods section. Some methods still unclear. Content well organised and thorough Materials and Methods section. All methods included and referenced. 4 Results Paragraphs not constructed well, with spelling and punctuation errors. Difficult to understand. Inappropriate organisation of results section. Most paragraphs have structure but meaning occasionally lost. Some errors in spelling and grammar. Writing clear with occasional weaknesses in style. Appropriate rationale of testing, how the experiment was done, what results were found and concluding sentence. Information is organised with rationale of testing, how the experiment was done, what results were found and a concluding sentence for each paragraph. 4 Figures and figure legends Figures not constructed well, inadequate controls. Figure legends too brief. Figures not very clear with meaning lost. Figure legends are hard to follow. Figures clear with occassional weaknesses in style. Figure legends too cumbersome. Figures well constructed with appropriate controls and clearly described figure legends. 4 Discussion Ideas not connected with little discussion. Discussion does not relate the project findings with the literature. Narrative style without critical approach or discussion of evidence. Most major themes included, with evidence of critical approach. Some project reflection with the literature. All major themes includes, critical approach with supporting evidence discussed. The discussion clear puts the project in context with the literature. 4 Conclusion Does not provide vision nor link back to the aims Lacks completeness, attempts summary Includes summary but lacks vision of future Summarises key arguments and provides vision of future 2 Referencing References not cited correctly in text. Errors in formatting of reference list. Inconsistency in referencing Some errors in citing and formatting of reference list. References cited correctly in text with consistent but incorrect formatting of reference list. References cited correctly in text with correct formatting of reference list. 2 Total /96 /20