Assessment Task Introduction: There is an argument that Business owners and managers who take a serious approach towards sustainability can, in doing so, create competitive advantage whilst also enhancing the reputation of their organisation and reducing overall costs. Activities to become more environmentally friendly and reduce the carbon footprint are more likely to be on the agenda in many organisations nowadays, which in turn, can have a positive effect on the perception that stakeholders hold of the organisation. Task: You are required to produce a report that critically analyses and evaluates the activities and techniques that entrepreneurs and managers may take to enhance their “sustainable commitments” within their transformation process, with a view to creating competitive advantage. Important please: The content of your report should reflect upon relevant topics discussed and addressed in classes and should evaluate the techniques, concepts and theories that have been explored within this module. From the list on the next page, select ONE industry sector to base your research upon. In your report, include reference to reallife enterprises that operate within your chosen sector. Please select ONE sector to research from the list below: 1. Retail 2. Agriculture/Horticulture 3. Forestry 4. Construction 5. Manufacturing/Production 6. Health/Medical 7. Transport 8. Technology 9. Public Sector Activity 10. Third Sector Activity
Specific Criteria / Guidance You are given a list of ten industry sectors to choose from and are asked to select one only to research into. You are required to refer back to relevant topics covered in classes and to critically analyse reallife enterprises operating within your chosen sector. This will enable you to examine their approach to techniques, tools and concepts that they might use to enhance their sustainable commitments. You might also reflect upon what they could use in the future to enhance their sustainable commitments. Your tutor will provide with an example of the required layout and structure for the business report. Specific Marking Criteria: Use of appropriate real life examples to illustrate key points (20%) Identification and discussion of the opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs and managers using sustainability to create competitive advantage. (30%) Application of appropriate theories, concepts and techniques (20%) Evidence of wider reading (15%) Structure, organisation and presentation of assignment (15%) Key Resources/Reading PowerPoint slides, seminar class notes and handouts will give you direction, to assist you with the preparation and production of your report. Please also refer to library text books and other materials within the reading list of your module handbook. In addition, links to websites, journals and specific business case studies and similar resources located in the Library will support you further as you research in preparation for this report. Presentation Please refer to the Assessment Guidance (on moodle page) for detailed information on: • Academic Integrity • APA Reference Guide • Late Work Penalties • Excess word count penalties • University Generic Marking Criteria It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with the above, as failure to do this may impact upon your overall achievement with regard to this assessment.