Put together a document to outline your change management plan. Make sure you include all the sections of the plan and steps you will need to take to complete the plan. NOW, it is time to verify that you are ready to do your final assessment for this competency.
In this formative assessment, you will focus on the change initiative that you would like to lead and/or implement in your institution / organization. This change should come from the research you conducted when developing your SWOT Analysis.
Provide an outline that (this will give you a template to develop your change management plan):
Clearly identifies your projected change initiative
Provide an analysis of why change is needed
What intended outcomes are you anticipating
Identify what type of Change Agent is needed and where you will solicit the individual(s) from (internal or external)
What is the timeline for your change management plan
Provide any costs associated with this initiative
List additional side effects within the organization that will occur due to change (positive and negative)
Include research from some of the sources presented in the Learning Activity titled, ‘Change Management Research’ to support your decision-making
Submit your outline to this formative assessment for your instructor’s review.