calculation of Carbon Emission by vessels coming to EU under the new EU ETS

P​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​lease answer all of the following parts based off the readings of the book titled: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work. The book is written by Todd Davis Part 1: THESIS: A good review, like any good essay, has a clear THESIS, which the entire paper argues and supports with evidence. The introduction must have introductory remarks and a clearly stated THESIS. The THESIS must answer the question of why you chose this book (what did you expect to get out of the book) and if this book is or is not a useful tool for Human Resource engagement, leadership and/or communication. Part 2: REPORT OF CONTENT: Summarize the content (and, if appropriate, the organization) of the book. This is the “report” part of the review. You want to be sure to clearly explain the following: a. the author(s)’ thesis and supporting arguments and evidence — note this is why the author wrote the book, not your thesis of why you picked the book. b. the author(s)’ approach c. your assessment of each Part ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​3: ANALYSIS OF BOOK: The next section should analyze specific examples from the book to prove your THESIS (NOT of the author(s), but your why). Support questions include, what type of reader should use this book? Why? Is this a book for someone new to the topic? Is it a book for experts? Questions to consider when analyzing a book include, but are not limited to – Does the author(s) prove their thesis? Does the author(s) use and cite specific, quantifiable examples? Is the author(s)’ analysis logical and persuasive or rambling and superficial? Is the author(s)’ writing clear and comprehensible? Part 4: WRITING STYLE: Provide a brief analysis of the author(s)’ writing style. How readable is the book? Does the author(s) have an easy to follow style? Does the author(s)’ style fit the audience at which the book is aimed? Part 5: CONCLUSION: Do you recommend this book to other project managers/leaders? If so, why? If not, why not? Please make sure the review is the full 4 pages to the bottom of the fourth page!