In the last activity, you practiced communicating professionally by writing an informative email to your customer(s). Now it’s time to practice using spreadsheet software and take a closer look at the resources, goods, and services necessary to complete your project and estimate the associated costs.
Before beginning this activity, make sure you have:
Downloaded the Week 4 Activity: Project Resources and Budget template [.XLSX].
Installed Microsoft Excel. As a Strayer student, you have free access to Office 365 products, including Excel. See Office365 in the left-hand menu for the link, technical support, and other information.
For this activity, complete the following:
In the provided spreadsheet template, you will find four tabs along the bottom of the screen. Read through the “Instructions” tab and the “Sample” tab.
In the “Blank Template – Fill This In” tab, complete the following:
Outline a plausible list of resources, goods, and services needed to complete your chosen project.
Assign each resource a “type”.
Estimate appropriate costs for each resource.
Lastly, in the “Sources” tab, include at least one credible source.
Submit your assignment by uploading the completed template document to Blackboard in Week 4.
Use at least one resource to complete this assignment. Cite your resource(s) on the fourth tab in the template document and format your citations according to the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).