Book Review

Write a scholarly book review on Out-of-Control CriminalJustice by Daniel P. Mears.

For this assignment, you must cite at least five peer-reviewed articles, not books, in your review. You may cite books but you have to have at least 5 peer reviewed articles. The articles students cite should be relevantand timely (e.g. no older than say 2010, unless they are considered to be ‘classics’). Your scholarly book review must be between 2000 to 2,500 words without the cover page or references. For this assignment, you need to do more than merely provide merely provide a synopsis of the book. Rather, provide a scholarly analysis of the book and explain what, if anything, it contributes toour understanding of criminal justice policy. Students who do a particularly good job with this assignment will be encouraged tosubmit their work to a scholarly journal

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