Book Review

Book: Martin Robison Delany, The Condition, Elevation Emigration and Destine of the Colored People of the United States

The word “nationalists” is a word often used in the contemporary world to describe someone’s ideology. What does this word mean? Is Martin Delany a nationalist?

It should be around 1,500 words long

You are expected to make full use of the assigned text

Use of outside sources is forbidden and could result in a Failing Grade


Do you respond to the questions posed in the prompt?

Do you make effective use of quotations from the assigned text?

Do you bring in supporting evidence from course lectures?

Is it always clear when you, the student author, is speaking and when you are quoting someone else (using quotation marks)?

Do you se Chicago citation style? (see the PDF file in the Canvas files for this course)?

Have you proof read your paper for errors in grammar and spelling?