Book Report


This will be based on one of the five pre-selected books from your syllabus. You will read the book throughout the course of the semester and write a report/review based on provided guidelines and questions from the instructor.


Address the following questions as they relate to your chosen book.

1. What was your book about? Provide a brief synopsis in your own words.

2. Choose three key elements from your book to discuss.

a. Discuss the three different topics/insights you chose. Detail them and explain their significance to the book.

b. Why were they highlights or attention-grabbers to you?

c. How do these insights relate to you, your future, your career, and your perspective?

3. Based on your understanding of the topic, do you think your chosen book is an accurate representation of what is currently happening in our society? Why or why not? Justify your response with evidence from the book, class discussion, lecture, research, etc.

4. What was your overall feeling or reaction toward your chosen book? Why do you think you elicited a response such as the one you did? Think personal experiences, current life situation, upbringing, sociocultural standards, etc.


· APA Formatting

· 12 point font

· Times New Roman

· Normal margins (already set in your Word document)

· Double-spaced

· You do not need a running head or a title page, unless you would like to have one (no extra points for having one or loss of points for not having one)

· Length of report

· No minimum length requirement. However, all questions must be answered in-depth.

· Maximum page limit: 6 pages

· Suggested minimum page limit: 2 pages (any less than this and you would compromise the analysis of the book and your report)

· To replace an exam

· This is an optional assignment and does not need to be completed. This assignment is meant to replace the lowest test score. If you do submit this assignment, it will be graded based on depth of analysis and may or may not be high enough to replace your lowest test score. It is not an automatic replacement. If it is higher, it will replace your lowest score. If it is lower, it will not replace your lowest score. You must have attempted all three exams to be eligible for this opportunity.