Attitudes towards world English and pakistani English in ESL classroom




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Assignment guideline


Designing and conducting a survey/questionnaire and reporting findings (equivalent to 3,500 words)

·       The purpose of this assignment is to survey stakeholders’ views on one topic related to the themes discussed in the module.

·       There are three stages in the development of a survey/questionnaire:

·       Stage One: Design and pilot study

·       Stage Two: Choice of respondents and administration

·       Stage Three: Analysis of the information and report write-up

·       The report must contain the following information:

·       1. A rationale for the choice of topic

·       2. A brief review of current bibliographical sources

·       3. A justification for the choice of survey/questionnaire design

·       4. A justification for the choice of respondents

·       5. A summary of the responses

·       6. An identification of major themes emerging from the analysis of responses

·       7. A discussion for the themes in relation to the bibliographical sources used in point 2

·       8. A conclusion


Survey Layout

Chapter 1

Introduction (about 500 words)

(The purpose of this chapter is to provide the setting for the study and present the topic so that the reader can understand the topic)

·       Introduce what you are going to research for your study and the rationale for doing it.

·       Background of the study

(Explain your reasons why you think that your topic is worth studying)

·       Context

      (Describe the setting where the study took place: a school, a group of learners or teachers, etc. Provide as much information as possible).

Context is Pakistan; Pakistani ESL graduates/post graduates students from universities in Islamabad (capital of Pakistan). Male and female students age ranging from 20 onwards.Questionnaires were sent through email to all the participants and received filled questionnaires back through email and Whats App. 30 questionnaires were sent, ………were received. All the respondents attempted all questions.

·       Learning outcomes

      (Indicate what you want to achieve with this study. Use verbs such as ‘explain’, ‘describe’, ‘understand’, etc.)

·       Research questions

            (Break down the theme of the study into three smaller questions/ signposting)

·       Overview of the report

      (Summarise the contents of each chapter in the report ensuring that the narrative is coherent and relates to the theme of the study)

            Chapter 2

Review of Literature (about 1000 words)

(The purpose is to explore what has already been written about the topic of the study. Follow a funnel-like structure to organise contents: begin with the broadest theme and finish with the more concrete and specific topic. Remember that this is not a summary of bibliographical sources but a critical appraisal).


(Please explain why you are having this chapter and indicate how this is organised using signposting devices).

Here I will give you an example of how to structure a literature review for learners’ behaviours towards World Englishes and Pakistani English in ESL classroom.

·       What is attitude? (In one or two sentences)

·       What is World English(s)? (In one or two sentences)

·       Teaching English in EFL/ESL contexts?

·       How attitudes are related to ELT?

·       Previous studies related to themes emerging from the study (This is a place to show the readers how much research has been done related to your chosen topic area).

·       Theme 1

Ownership of English

·       Theme 2

World Englishes

·       Theme 3

Pakistani English

·       Conclusion (Please summarise what you’ve discussed above AND more importantly how the contents in this chapter contribute to understand the topic, indicating, for example, gaps).

Chapter 3

Research Methodology (about 600 words)

(The purpose of this chapter is to present and justify your research plan. You have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the research methodology and use bibliographical sources to support the decisions you have made).

·       Introduction (you explain what this chapter is about and how this is organised using signposting devices).


·                Methodology (indicate which type of study you have produced: quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods providing convincing reasons. Also, you need to specify whether you followed a case study approach, action research, narrative approach, ethnographic inquiry, survey etc.)


·                Methods (in this section explain, describe and provide examples of all the data collection methods you have used one at a time in sub-sections. You need to include as much information as possible).

·                Sampling (what sampling technique you used) participants (justification)

    (Outline the reasons why you chose this method for your study. You need to provide some literature to support and strengthen your argument. Do not define the method but explain the advantages of it in relation to your study. Explain the type of method i.e. is it a survey, scale, open-ended questionnaire, etc.? Describe the layout, the type of questions, how many copies you handed out and how many you retrieved. Add a blank template to the appendix and make links to it you are required to provide rationale for your choices.)



Chapter 4 (about 600 words)


 Summary of the data collected. (Note that in this section you have to summarise key data; this means selecting the most relevant pieces of information according to each method of data collection).


4.1.2. Data emerging from [Questionnaire]

          Indicate how many participants answered the questionnaire. Identify the items that received most of the answers, the least, lukewarm, etc. Use visuals to support the summary. Indicate what you did with items which were left blank. Interpret the data and explain; provide examples illustrating points by including quotes from the data.

 (Summarise the research design using self-explanatory charts, tables, graphs, etc., so that the reader can easily follow your research plan. Consider drawing three different tables representing the data from three sections in the questionnaires (based on three themes), also do the Mean and Percentages. You should present the data from open ended questions (from each section) after each table (in the paragraph form).

Chapter 5

Analysis and Discussion of Data (about 600 words)

You need to explain what this chapter is about and how this is organised. After that you are required to discuss your finding and relate them with the literature reviewed in the chapter 2 (Literature Review).

Explain how the theme came about, refer to the data emerging from each research method, discuss how data sets correlate or not with one another, provide examples, refer to the sources in the literature review and discuss.

(Note that the organisation of this section depends on themes, statistical items, codes, etc. that you have identified when sorting out the data. Traditionally, this section is divided into sub-sections with headings referring to the research questions)


Synthesise the contents in the chapter highlighting key points.

Chapter 5 (about 250 words)


·       Introduction (Please say and Explain how the theme came about, refer to the data emerging from each research method, discuss how data sets correlate or not with one another, provide examples, refer to the sources in the literature review and discuss.

·       Limitations of your study (This is to say what / where you have collected the data and which parts have been ignored, etc.).

·       Suggestions for further study (At this stage, you should suggest what other possible/doable research needs to be done in this area).

·       Recommendations (following your findings, you should be able to provide some recommendation to improve teaching and learning practice, -no more than three recommendations).

·       Conclusion

(Please write a brief conclusion saying what you hope to share with your readers through your paper and whether you expect your findings to contribute something to academia).