Assignment Paper

EBM Fall 2017

Assignment: News Article Analysis

Individual Worksheet Format

Read the Assignment Instructions, and choose a news article to analyze.

Save this worksheet to your desktop. Follow the Question/Answer format.

Do not delete the questions or any sub-bullets.

Use the space you need to answer each of the questions – maximum 6 pages total.

Delete this yellow highlighted area before submitting your assignment.

Student Name:


Article Title:

Name of Publication/Periodical:

Author: (if specified)

1. Which company is the focus of this article?

a. Specific US company:

b. In which specific country/region of the world is this company’s business the topic of the article?

c. Search for information about the company (from their website and from news articles). Provide some basic BACKGROUND INFORMATION about the company and its focus based on your research. (2 paragraph summary):

d. Search key publications (WSJ, NY Times, Fortune, Forbes) to find any updates on this topic since this particular news article was published. Include any/all updates.


Information Updates:

2. What is the main idea of this news article?

a. Provide a brief summary of highlights.

3. From the news article, can you describe the target market?

a. Provide a detailed description of the target market.

b. What makes you think that this is the target market?

4. Please describe in detail the marketing challenge(s) faced by this US company in the international business situation that is the topic of the news article.

a. Description of marketing challenges:

b. What is the role for marketing in meeting these particular challenges?

c. Describe in detail what marketing should do/ is doing as stated in the article and in your opinion:

5. Based on your learning thus far in this course, are there any insights/recommendations that you would offer the marketing team of this company with regard to the particular situation/issues described in the article?

a. Insights and recommendations:

6. Why did you choose this particular article from the options provided? Did you consider any other news articles? Which ones and why? Please be specific.

a. Reason for choosing this news article:

b. Other news articles considered:

c. How does this article fit into the context of our course/how is it relevant to our course?

7. Which marketing concepts or terminology, that you have learned thus far in this course, were you able to apply to this assignment/marketing situation? (Think about your answer, and provide a minimum of FIVE marketing concepts)

a. Please specify which specific marketing concepts, and how each of these concepts applies to the situation described in the news article.

8. What is your key learning from this news article?

9. What is you key learning from this assignment? In your opinion, do you think the learning experience from this assignment adds value to your overall experience in this course? Please explain.

10. How has your overall learning experience been in this course thus far? In your opinion, what is the most interesting topic that was covered thus far in this course? What was the most useful or relevant to you personally? Was there a least interesting topicPlease Explain.

a. Overall learning experience:

b. Favorite course activities/ topics:

c. Most relevant:

d. Least interesting topic: